"Who is the richest of men?"
Asked Socrates. "He that is
content, for contentment is
nature's riches."
Many have run aground their
life's life-boat because of
covetousness, avarice has been
the reason for the inscription on
many tombstones with the
words: gone too soon; many so
called noble and respected
individuals have been whisked
from the grace to end up as
grass cutters because of
acquisitiveness ; and many have
been cardiac-arreste d by
nature's police because they took
what did not belonged to them
to enrich themselves.
Watch it! Watch !
Money is good! Money is very
good, but make sure you earn it
When the Steamer Central
America with it's vast riches was
on her final journey to to bottom
of the ocean, a cupiditas
stewardess kept filling her apron
with a lot of gemstones. Rushing
for the last boat, she jumped, but
missed her steps because of the
extra weight of the gold, and so
was she gaoled at the bottom of
the sea with the gold.
Are you an animal filled with
greed, or a man on purpose?
Have you been possessed by the
craving to enrich yourself, or to
enrich mankind?
Don't get me wrong! Money is
very good, and you need it to live
comfortably, but note carefully
you can be comfortable only with
it when you earn it RIGHT!
Many are sweating profusely in
thick winter, in the cold; many
cannot eat although they can
afford food for a million
households; many can't, breath,
can't sleep, are walking-corpses
because of greed, is it worth it?
"But godliness with contentment
is great gain... But those who
CRAVE to be rich fall into
temptation and a snare...which
some have coveted and pierced
themselves with many sorrows."
Many are rich without money.
Everyone who uplifts civilization
with his ideas, his writings, his
inventions, his philosophy,
though he dies penniless, is
richer than Croesus.
Mahatma Gandhi left nothing
behind, and so did Mozart but
they have enriched the lives of
If riches is your yardstick for
measuring success, then you are
amongst the most backward
twerps in the world.
Money is good, but earn it right!

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