Not every misfortune is a curse, some are actually
blessings incognito that come and put us on our toes, to
prepare us for our golden destinies.
Cheap, shabby and dilapidated London was not a place so
attractive to be envied. But after the bubonic epidemic had
consumed almost a hundred thousands lives, and the great
fire had licked up her buildings into ruins and ashes; then
was she challenged and she rose up from her stupor, and
begun puting herself in order, and became a beautiful, rich
and attractive megalopolis.
Deliberately, consciously and diligently find a way to always
turn into lemonades, the lemons life throws at you; and
every sour grapes in your life into sweet and soothing grave
wine. There is always a seed of greater or equivalent
benefits in every form of misfortune that bedevil us. And we
can only cash out on them, if we can gather ourselves, sit
down, ask progressive and thought-provoking questions,
until we breakthrough.
As the oyster turns into pearl the sand that hinders and
annoys it, so have many through knowledge, wits and will,
turn their adversities into advancement. Ignorance before
the law is no excuse. You are bound to suffer even unto
death for your lack of knowledge and understanding about
an issue.
It is never in the still calm of life; not in ease and comfort, or
not in the repose of pacific stations have the great born,
cradled and nurtured. But often amidst scenes unpropitious
have they struggled, held up to their own loaves and climb
their steep mountains into their peaks of excellence.
Yesteryears abodes of the great today, were mostly jails,
hovels and homelessness.
Every flight will surely be preceeded by a fight. Stop waiting
for your inheritance to come to you, go and get it, or you will
wait forever. Don't be like the man by the pool of Bethesda.
Stop waiting for your ship at the shore, go get it before it
becomes a hard-ship.

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