You came, You are seeing, don't
fail to conquer. My dear, your presence on earth is to
conquer fear, doubts and all forms of dream killers to make
your presence count. Your life is meant to change and light
up the world. Your life is meant to liberate and inspire. Your
life is meant to be a blessing and gift to humanity. it's time
you rise up to this challenge. It's time yo get involve in
making your life worthwhile. It time you dare to win.
I want you to know that you have all the capabilities
required to conquer. They were deposited in you right from
birth. So don't give up on life. Don't give up on that thing
you are so passionate about. Don't give up on the good and
noble thing you want to do for this world.
I urge you to knock until the wall falls. Yeah, the wall is
bound to fall at some point as long as you keep knocking.
Remember that you here on earth, seeing all the challenges
and opportunities, It therefore important you take up the
challenge to conquer. You can do this. It's not beyond you.
Rise up and make that career change. Start that business.
Ask for that help. Leave that toxic relationship. Whatever it
is for you, rise up and conquer now and today.
You deserve the good life. You deserve to be happy. You are
chosen for greatness! YOU'RE TRULY BORN TO WIN! Stay
motivated! Stay Blessed! Please share this message to help

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